Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Mend It--> Mended!

On Monday, I went through my craft box looking for something (I don't remember what) and decided that it needed some serious organizing. Among the various bits of fabric, thread, yarn, needles, hooks, etc., I found some projects that need fixing that have been waiting to be mended for literally five years! The rainbow doily and granny washcloth are recent projects, but the pink doily, gold lame purse, mittens, and skirt all have followed me through several moves in their unfixed state. I set them aside in a mending pile and yesterday I actually mended them all. The "mending" for the doilies was only blocking, but the pink one especially looked like a crumpled up hankie before blocking, so it was useless before.

blocking: pinned and drying
purse handle--fixed! you can't even see the stitches in this pic!
blocked--finally! it's so pretty! I wish I'd taken a before shot to show how ugly it was.

T's mittens--fixed!

a close-up of the stitches--invisible from the outside, can't feel them on the inside.

loose gauge granny dishcloth--weaved in the ends. waiting for a crocheted border.

skirt--finally sewed in the zipper by hand.

cute! it looks good with my revamped shoes too!
 It's such a good feeling that they are usable now. :)

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