Sunday, February 17, 2008

What can I say?

Good morning! Good morning! You've slept the whole night through.* Good morning, good morning to you!

My mom used to sing this to me and my sisters when we were kids, so we would wake up "cheerfully". (or maybe so we would just wake up!) It mostly just made me hate this song until I was married and had to wake up my husband. I think he's flabbergasted that someone would sing loudly (and not well!) to wake people up. Not very Japanese, indeed! But he knows I'm just a "typical American" (his favorite thing to call me when he's feeling exasperated).

I'm so excited I can hardly see straight! I'm going to visit my folks in less than a month! Tarzan's cousin is staying with my family for 8 months and taking an English class at the local university. So her mother and older sis and I are all going to go and visit. I'll even get to be there for Easter!

I hope I can practice a bit of kendo with my old dojo, but I seriously haven't practiced in weeks here. I'm afraid they won't be very impressed with my progress... but we'll see! I may surprise them yet. I'm pretty sure I'll shock them with my Japanese, though. I've gotten pretty good. I can carry on a conversation at least, which is more than I could say for myself three and a half years ago.

Here we all are at the Shin Fresno Kendo Dojo in 2004.

I also hope I can buy some yarn. I actually do have quite a bit here, so maybe the thing to do would be to *look* at some nice yarn. Then when I can hornswaggle my parents into taking me on a yarn spree when I do move back (someday... ::sigh::), I'll know what I want! My current project is a tunic/baby dress, called Anouk. Another present for my new niece, Kokona-chan.

Have a lovely day!

*Thought you recognized this song? It's ever so close, but my dear mother changed the lyrics because naturally we didn't "talk the whole night through" as in the original. It really wouldn't be a good idea to suggest that idea to a hyperactive 7-year-old! (If you're still clueless, it's from Singing in the Rain.)

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